


Perfect Killer Termite Control Insecticide(1 Litre)

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  • Perfect Killer termite chemical effectively controls termites and other soil insects in field and plantation crops.
  • It is also effective in factories, furniture, and buildings.
  • Perfect termite killer can also be used to control pests in fruit trees, vegetables, soy-beans, groundnut, cow-peas, cotton, cocoa etc. Specially made for controlling broad-spectrum of insect pests.
  • It has a long lasting effect and broadly used to control many agricultural pests.
  • The active ingredient is Chlorpyriphos 20%.


How To Use

  1. Prepare termiticide emulsion solution by mixing 1500ml of the product in 100 litres of water
  2. Drench the soil around the tree or area infected (8cm width and 30cm depth) with 2.5 liters of the above emulsion.
  3. Use at 125-250 ml product per 10 litres of water against cockroach, spider, ants, fleas, mosquitoes at 1 per square meter.


Pre-Construction And Post-Construction Application

  1. Dilute 2500 ml of the product in 50 litres of water
  2. Use 5-6 litres of this solution in the foundation and sub-slab area and around the perimeter of the building per linear meter.
  3. For Post construction application,inject solution through holes drilled into the ground slab at a distance of 30-50 cm apart.


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